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Image by Taya Dianna

Welcome to the Clydesdales!

We would like to welcome you to AgScape's Clydesdale family! We are a family who love to learn about the world of food and farming in Ontario and Canada. There are a few things you need to know before you get started with your exploration and learning.

As a Clydesdale, you get a beautiful certificate that belongs only to you! You will have received your certificate upon registration, but just in case you can get download a copy of it here.


Make sure to print out your certificate and put your name on it! Wait! This certificate doesn't seem to be complete. To finish it, you are going to go on a weekly adventure to learn about food and farming.

Welcome to the Honeycrisps!

At the end of each week (Day 5), you will complete a task and receive a token to print, cut out and paste on your certificate.

Once you have completed your certificate, take a picture and say cheese than share it with AgScape. Let's get started! Navigate to Week 1 to start your adventure as a Clydesdale.


For Educators: AgScape has released a brand new Teachers Guide that highlights how to use Camp AgScape and maximize learning in the classroom! Download the Teachers Guide now and begin exploring the world of food and farming with your students. 

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Registered Charitable
#13237 2285 RR0001

8560 Tremaine Road
P.O. Box 460 
Milton, ON L9T 4Z1

T: 905-878-1510

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© 2023 AgScape (Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc.)

Funded in part by the Governments of Canada and Ontario under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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